Dr. Olsen is a specialist in betrayal, trauma/PTSD, and sexuality. She has a passion for helping clients work through the pain and difficult repercussions of sexual betrayal. Dr. Olsen has extensive training in trauma and sexual betrayal, and received her certification as a Sexual and Relational Trauma therapist through the Society of Sexual Health (SASH) and is a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist. As an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, she helps individuals and couples facing intimacy and sexual challenges.
Research & National Level Trainer
Dr. Olsen is actively involved in the field of sexual health and has provided national level training for intimate betrayal treatment to help clinicians better understand the experience and aftermath of intimate betrayal and how to help clients struggling with trauma and sexual concerns. Her published scientific research on trauma, betrayal, and anxiety demonstrates her in depth understanding and enthusiasm for sharing her knowledge and helping others. Dr. Olsen’s research has provided her with a deep level of insight into the struggles individuals face after trauma and effective strategies for change. She is also a contributing author to the book Facilitating Resilience & Recovery Following Trauma, which offers evidenced based insight into healing from trauma. You can learn more about Dr. Olsen’s scientific published research below.
Education & Credentials
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology (PhD)
Washington State Licensed Clinical Psychologist (LPsy)
AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST)
APSATS Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS)
SASH Certified Problematic Sexual Behavior Therapist (CPSBT)
SASH Certified Sexual Wellness Therapist (CSWT)
SASH Certified Sexual and Relational Trauma Therapist (CSRTT)
SASH Distinguished Sex Therapist (DST)
Washington State Clinical Supervisor
Key Speaking Engagements & Trainings
Why Talking About Sex is Essential for Partner Healing: A Posttraumatic Growth Model Following Intimate Betrayal (PTG-IB; Olsen & Schroder, 2020), Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health.
Advanced Training For Problematic Sexual Behavior - Understanding and Treating Betrayal Trauma (Level 1 & Level 2) Society For Advancement in Sexual Health (SASH).
Scientific Research & Publications
How do negative emotions relate to dysfunctional post-trauma cognitions? An examination of interpersonal trauma survivors. Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy.
Exploring negative emotion in women experiencing intimate partner violence: Shame, guilt, and PTSD. Behavior Therapy.
Expressive inhibition following interpersonal trauma: An analysis of reported function. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
The association of mental health conditions with employment, interpersonal, and subjective functioning after intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women.
How do attachment style and social support contribute to psychopathology following interpersonal trauma? Examining clinician rating versus self-report. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Understanding the relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and trauma cognitions: The impact of thought control strategies. Behaviour Research and Therapy.
The effects of dissociation on information processing for analogue trauma and neutral stimuli: A laboratory study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Factors contributing to anxious driving behavior: The role of stress history and accident severity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
The Driving Behavior Survey: Scale construction and validation. Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Predicting violence in romantic relationships during adolescence and emerging adulthood: A critical review of the mechanisms by which familial and peer influences operate. Clinical Psychology Review.
Physical and psychosocial functioning following motor vehicle trauma: Relationships with chronic pain, posttraumatic stress, and medication use. European Journal of Pain.